Are you interested in promoting the mental health of your friends and the community at large? Sign up now for our Facilitator Training where you will be assisted to lead the Radiance workshops through  formal training and support from local mental health professionals.


Numerous social forces are worsening an already worrisome crisis around the mental health of youth.  It is clear that youth first turn to their peers and friends for support when struggling. The Radiance Project offers a series of workshops devised to help groups of young people support their own mental health and well-being as well as that of their friends, family and their community at large.  The workshops provide a space for youth to reflect on the meaning of true friendship, their purpose, and how service to others can provide an avenue for individual and collective growth.

Register for Upcoming Workshop

Sign up now individually or as a group of friends! Our peer-led workshops are designed for youth 13 years and older to participate over 4 weeks. As a group, participants will engage in meaningful discussions around support and mental well-being that will lead to the planning and execution of a community service event.

For more details on the radiance project

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