The Creation of Malika's Magical Mask

In response to heightened rates of COVID-19 in the community, Arise Community Health Empowerment has played a part in promoting understanding around  public health measures and the importance of vaccination. Rather than seeing mask-wearing, social distancing, and vaccination as simply another set of rules to follow blindly, we seek to elevate understanding that these actions are more meaningful and sustainable  when followed out of our love for humanity and a desire to protect one another. Some initiatives include a children’s book, which was developed  in collaboration with a local physician and nurse, and  has been shared with local schools. 

encouraging Vaccinations

When the COVID-19 vaccine became available, it was noted that many community members were refusing the vaccine due to fear and misinformation, and material explaining the science behind the vaccine was lacking.  In order to address this need, a team of young people developed a short film explaining how the mRNA vaccine works available in both English and Punjabi.

To accompany the video, a workshop was developed describing the oneness of humanity,  just as we are “the fingers of one hand”, we must work together and sacrifice some of our own discomforts for the greater good of all.  This elevating theme has been shared with members of the L6R community.

Read a featured Article

By Monika Sharma

An insight on a children's storybook about the importance of wearing a mask - with a South Asian female lead.